Isabel Marant jacket. Which is perfect but too expensive. I found a similar one at Esprit( yes I know not a really great store) but it looked exactly the same! The only thing that was totally wrong: the colour, it was in blue. I know, dark blue isn't bad but black looks just better with my other clothes.
Jil sander fall 2010/2011
Clémence at Chanel, a perfect look.
Franz Kline, great colours for fall.
Great jacket+scarf Thank you for the reminder! It's Marina Rust Connor.
(sources: TFS, net-a-porter)
11 opmerkingen:
The lady from the last picture looks like Ines de la Fressange.
Oh Clémence is adorable! She has a really great sense of style, and Marion is gorgeous. And I love that jacket from Isabel Marant. Actually, I'm in love with a lot of clothes from her collections, but like you've said, they're quite expensive ;)
My daughter and I ordered a dress from Doll House which was to be custom made. I placed the order on a Monday and was surprised to get a phone call the following Monday to say the dress had arrived it only took eight 8 days. I took the dress home and when I put the dress on my daughter, I realized that had just altered the dress (in store) and found pins still in the side seams. I was so disgusted with their lie when confronted they would not talk to me or acknowledge what they had done. To all you mum’s out there DON’T BUY FROM DOLL HOUSE
11 opmerkingen:
The lady from the last picture looks like Ines de la Fressange.
Oh Clémence is adorable! She has a really great sense of style, and Marion is gorgeous. And I love that jacket from Isabel Marant. Actually, I'm in love with a lot of clothes from her collections, but like you've said, they're quite expensive ;)
Die foto van Marion is erg mooi!
Heeft dat jasje van Esprit ook witte details en kost 130/140 euro? Zo ja, dan heb ik hem wel gezien in het zwart!;)
Ja inderdaad! Op de zakken zaten witte details dacht ik. Waar heb je het jasje gezien? Ik hoop dat je niet te ver weg woont haha. XX
love the first shot!
ik woon in groningen:p gisteravond of die avond daarvoor droeg een nieuwslezeres op rtl 4 hetzelfde jasje, haha!
Helaas, dat is iets te ver weg! Haha jammer dat heb ik niet gezien. Volgende week ga ik naar amsterdam, ik hoop dat ze hem daar nog hebben!
clemence is so pretty!
check out my blog:)
That is Marina Rust. American writer, contributes to Vogue.
My daughter and I ordered a dress from Doll House which was to be custom made. I placed the order on a Monday and was surprised to get a phone call the following Monday to say the dress had arrived it only took eight 8 days. I took the dress home and when I put the dress on my daughter, I realized that had just altered the dress (in store) and found pins still in the side seams. I was so disgusted with their lie when confronted they would not talk to me or acknowledge what they had done. To all you mum’s out there DON’T BUY FROM DOLL HOUSE
I adore you…really!!! Your style is amazing!
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